The Rise of Big Tech and Cloud Feudalism: A Gen-Z Perspective

Aria Verlinden
4 min readMay 30, 2024


Yanis looking at the Clouds — Image created by Author using MidJourney v 6

Imagine waking up one day to find that the world as you know it has been turned upside down. The rules of the game have changed, and the players who once dominated the field are now mere pawns in a new, more sinister game. This is the world Yanis Varoufakis describes in his book, Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism. And trust me, it’s a wild ride.

The Death of Capitalism

Varoufakis, a renowned economist and former Greek finance minister, argues that capitalism is dead. Yep, you heard that right. The system that has driven our economies for centuries has been replaced by something far more exploitative: technofeudalism. In this new era, Big Tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have become the new feudal overlords, and we, the users, are their serfs.

From Markets to Platforms

So, what exactly is technofeudalism? In simple terms, it’s a system where the traditional pillars of capitalism — markets and profits — have been replaced by digital platforms and rents. Instead of competing in open markets, Big Tech companies have created closed ecosystems where they control everything. They own the platforms we use, the data we generate, and even the algorithms that shape our online experiences.

The New Lords of the Cloud

In the old days, feudal lords owned the land and everything on it. Today, Big Tech owns the digital equivalent: the cloud. This isn’t just about data storage; it’s about control. These companies have built vast networks of servers, fiber optic cables, and AI algorithms that monitor and influence our every move. They know what we like, what we buy, and even what we think. And they use this information to keep us hooked, feeding us a never-ending stream of content designed to keep us scrolling, clicking, and buying.

The Illusion of Choice

One of the most insidious aspects of technofeudalism is the illusion of choice. We think we’re making independent decisions when we shop on Amazon, watch videos on YouTube, or scroll through Instagram. But in reality, our choices are being manipulated by algorithms designed to maximize engagement and profit. These platforms are like digital fiefdoms, where the overlords control what we see, what we buy, and even how we think.

The Exploitation of Labor

In the world of technofeudalism, labor has also been transformed. Traditional jobs are being replaced by gig work, where workers have little job security and few benefits. Amazon warehouse workers, Uber drivers, and freelance content creators are the new serfs, toiling away for the benefit of their digital overlords. And just like in the old feudal system, the fruits of their labor are being siphoned off by the few at the top.

The Role of Central Banks

Varoufakis also highlights the role of central banks in this new system. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks have pumped insane amounts of money into the economy. But instead of trickling down to the average person, this money has ended up in the hands of Big Tech, supercharging their growth and consolidating their power.

The Impact on Society

The rise of technofeudalism has profound implications for society. It exacerbates inequality, concentrates power in the hands of a few, and undermines democracy. With every click and scroll, we are unwittingly contributing to a system that exploits us, manipulates us, and ultimately controls us.

The Path Forward

So, what can we do about it? Varoufakis offers a glimmer of hope. He believes that the internet, which has been used to enslave us, can also be used to liberate us. By reclaiming the digital commons and leveraging the internet’s foundational freedoms, we can challenge the power of Big Tech and build a more just and equitable society.

Wrapping Up

In Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism, Yanis Varoufakis paints a dark and disturbing picture of our digital future. But he also offers a path forward, urging us to reflect on our economic trajectory and the potential of digital technologies to challenge oppressive structures. As we navigate this brave new world, it’s up to us to decide whether we will remain digital serfs or rise up to reclaim our autonomy.So, next time you log onto Amazon, scroll through Instagram, or watch a YouTube video, remember:

You’re not just a user; you’re a serf in the digital fiefdom of Big Tech. And the only way to break free is to challenge the system and reclaim the digital commons. Let’s do this, Gen-Z. The future is in our hands.



Aria Verlinden

Aria, a passionate writer, explores European culture and history, tracing societal shifts and unraveling the threads that shape our modern society.