About Me

Aria Verlinden
2 min readMay 30, 2024


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Hey there! I’m Aria , a 24-year-old citizen journalist from the Netherlands, and I’m all about diving into the nitty-gritty of our technocratic society.

My journey into journalism started with a simple blog where I shared my thoughts on how technology shapes our lives and governance. Over time, my pieces caught the attention of a wider audience, and now I’m a prominent voice in the realm of citizen journalism.

I’m a huge fan of Hannah Arendt, and her political philosophy has a massive influence on my work. Arendt’s ideas on civic engagement, the nature of power, and the importance of public discourse really resonate with me. I strive to bring these concepts to life in my reporting, encouraging my readers to think critically about the world around them.

My reporting covers a wide range of topics, from the ethical implications of AI in government decision-making to the impact of data privacy laws on our freedoms.

I love making complex issues accessible and engaging, and I aim to empower my audience to engage in meaningful dialogue about the future of our society.When I’m not reporting, you can find me buried in a philosophical book or having deep discussions about political theory and ethics. I graduated with a degree in Political Science from the University of Amsterdam, where I honed my skills in critical thinking and analysis.

Through my work, I hope to honor the legacy of Hannah Arendt by advocating for a society where every citizen’s voice is heard and valued. I’m all about truth, justice, and making sure that the stories that matter get told.



Aria Verlinden

Aria, a passionate writer, explores European culture and history, tracing societal shifts and unraveling the threads that shape our modern society.